Spring cleaning and this weeks classes

Spring cleaning and this weeks classes

Sometimes we feel life is good. But even when life is good, we may sometimes tune into an untangible awareness dancing in our periphery, that despite all the blessings we can gratefully acknowledge in our lives, something feels, almost imperceptibly a little off...
Letting go of stress and this weeks classes

Letting go of stress and this weeks classes

Stress can can give us the motivation to get things done, to make positive changes, if we experience prolonged stress however we burn out. This week we will be working with a rejuvenating kriya, called ‘Stress set for adrenals and kidneys’. This kriya...
Bringing balance and this weeks classes!

Bringing balance and this weeks classes!

This week we focus on bringing balance into our lives. As we juggle many different responsibilities we can sometimes forget that to meet the demands of our busy lives we first need to nurture and take care of ourselves. This is where our practice comes into its own....
The earthly realms and this weeks classes

The earthly realms and this weeks classes

This week we channel our focus from the mind back into the physical body. As we ground and centre our energies we connect with the lower energy centres in the body. Here we are able to manifest some of the insights and intentions accessed though connection to the...