Wednesday morning kundalini yoga and meditation

Wednesday morning kundalini yoga and meditation

Join us this Wednesday morning for a heart opening, energising kriya to invite radiance and abundance into our lives as we set our intentions for a prosperous and joyful 2016. We practice his uplifting and energising kriya for keep up spirit. Keep up spirit is the...
Tuesday morning kundalini yoga and meditation

Tuesday morning kundalini yoga and meditation

This Tuesday morning we will be working with the ‘pituitary gland series’. This kriya is a powerful and stilling sequence that frees us from the chatter of the mind and allows us to connect with the intuition and wisdom within. Physically we will bring...
Introspection, reflection and renewal

Introspection, reflection and renewal

As we approach the winter solstice we naturally tend towards introspection, an opportunity to reflect, to go inwards and review. I am taking a break from teaching classes over the Christmas season and taking this time to delve inwards. As I deepen my personal...
Mantra in Kundalini yoga and meditation

Mantra in Kundalini yoga and meditation

Mantras are sound currents that are formulated to elevate consciousness, they play a fundamental role in kundalini yoga and meditation practice. Mantras on a very basic level can be thought of as tools we use to focus the mind and bring us into the present moment. Sa...
Pranyama in kundalini yoga

Pranyama in kundalini yoga

Breath of fire is a breath pattern fundamental to the practice of kundalini yoga. It is a breathing technique that students often tell me they struggle to master. It is however with a little focus quite straightforward to master the basic technique and if followed...