Sometimes the demands of life can leave the intellect overwhelmed and saturated, we find ourselves looking but not seeing, listening but not hearing. We may feel depleted, our words our movements  become clumsy. We forget. We forget that we have all the resources that we need within. If we can stop for a moment we may hear a kind word, we may hear the message behind a simple conversation that reminds us that for every situation, we have the tools we need to guide us back onto our path. If we reset our energy systems we reset the mind and the body, we reset our world. It is really that simple, but sometimes we forget.

Energy healing kriya is a powerful sequence that through sound, breath and movement connects us back to source.  Recharges, rejuvenates, re-energises. Do this kriya then if you have the opportunity, go for a walk in nature, feel the sun  or the rain on your skin, look around and see the beauty in our world, listen to the sounds around us, hear the singing of the birds, the gentle buzzing of the bees and remember. Remember to live, love, laugh, share and enjoy the world around us. Right here, right now.

This kriya was shared by Guru Dharam Khalsa in May 2017. If you would like to practice this kriya at home visit